“We have a sleep epidemic going on in industrial society.”

- Kathleen Reinhardt



Getting a good night’s sleep

A feature of our research on the sleeping patterns of slow lorises in the 2019 December issue of BBC Wildlife Magazine. This research focused on detailed sleeping patterns of a wild nocturnal primate, suggesting phylogenetic inertia towards our own sleeping patterns as humans. We largely stress the influence of environmental factors on sleep, arguing that sleep evolution should be examined further in wild habitats and discussed in an ecological context.

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Slow loris study reveals: the human rhythm of sleep can be much older than expected

A press article by the University of Oslo, showcasing our recent finding. To read the full article, click here.


New study discovers the impact of environment on sleep patterns in wild primates which could help to understand human sleep

A press release about our research article in Scientific Reports - to see the complete press article, click here.

Photo by: Andrew Walmsley



Oxford University Museum of Natural History -Science Bazaar with the Little Fireface Project

Painting faces of children for a Science Bazaar Event with the Little Fireface Project. While painting faces like their favorite animal, we taught kids fun facts about nocturnal animals (including slow lorises, of course!) and how they survive in the wild.


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Influence of climate change on primate behaviour

A workshop I lead for the Research Center for Climate Change at Universitas Indonesia, in Bogor. I explained the many ways that climate change can influence wild primate populations, and how we can measure this through our research. We concluded with an open discussion about the directions of climate change research, and how we can apply our work to aid conservation efforts.



Work in the Frontline of Conservation

A joint workshop run by Prescillia Rindang Putri and myself for the Department of Biology at ITS-Surabaya in East Java. This workshop aimed to guide undergraduate students in conducting conservation research, tackling topics of: choosing a field site and establishing collaborations, successful grant writing, fieldwork methods, and dissemination of work.

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Pet trade’s “cute” and “adorable” label endangers the slow loris

An article written by Linda Lombardi in Mongbay News and Inspiration from Nature’s Frontline about our research on the conservation threats faced by slow lorises, particularly in regard to social media and the pet trade. To read the full article, click here. Photo by: Kathleen Reinhardt